Building a culture of service and community
I have had the honor of serving as mayor of Conshohocken Borough since January 2018. Before running for this position I was Chair of our local Rotary Club, member of the Environmental Advisory Council and Social Director of the Conshohocken Running Club (where I met my wife!).
At my heart, I am a teacher. I taught seven years in the School District of Philadelphia and have been teaching at the Montgomery County Community College since 2008. I was also a Stanford University Hollyhock Fellow, a competitive program developed to bring resources, coaching and professional development to teachers in underserved school districts.
I ran for mayor to bring attention to safety in Conshohocken and there has been tremendous progress made in the last few years with much more still to come. Fayette St has brand new traffic lights, new pedestrian crossings and will be saw the installation of lighted mast arm crossings at 4th and 7th avenues. Bollards to slow right turns from the avenues onto Fayette were also installed over the past year.
The Schuylkill River Trail received complete renovations through the county with brighter road markings, new paving, trail widening and upgraded signage. All SEPTA crossings in the borough were also painted a bright yellow to further bring attention to the tracks and trail.
Still to come is a lighted pedestrian crossing at 2nd Ave and Fayette, discussions of a major overhaul of Fayette called the Fayette Street Road Diet to bring it from four lanes to three lanes, as well as creative redesigns of roads all over the borough to enhance safety and visibility for vehicles and pedestrians.
I continue to support Conshohocken's green and sustainable future, serving as council's longtime liaison to the Environmental Advisory Council, and now the Friends of Conshohocken Parks committee. With the passage of the Ready for 100% resolution, borough council and the EAC set Conshohocken on a path to sustainability by 2035. The Shade Tree Commission was also reinvigorated and planted 40 trees in 2019. In all, 218 trees have been planted in the borough over the last three years alone.
The borough also upgraded to full-sized recycling cans and redesigned our recycling standards to encourage more recycling by residents. Conshohocken also parters with Back to Earth Compost Crew for resident composting and pickup as well as holiday light recycling and pumpkin composting.
I have proudly signed a number of executive proclamations including: Mayors for Clean Energy, the Community Clean Cars Declaration, Mayors for Solar Energy, and joined Conshohocken to the Climate Mayors initiative.
Community and Communication
My larger vision for Conshohocken includes continuing our progress on a number of other fronts including: service-based community policing under the leadership of myself and our new Chief of Police, which saw officers set up a tent to give out lighted necklaces and bracelets on Halloween, de-escalation training with community groups, annual Shop with a Cop and providing Thanksgiving dinners to residents.
I provide unmatched communication and transparency for residents with in-person office hours at the Community Center, daily posting on half a dozen social media platforms, a monthly newsletter, monthly council meeting update and public cell phone number for calls and texts anytime.
I am most proud of ensuring our strong non-discrimination ordinance makes our community welcoming and safe for all visitors and residents, working to include pets in our events and public spaces, and continuing to bring exciting programming to residents such as the annual Conshohocken Arts Festival and Car Show, Conshy Strong Bingo, Bike and Trail Safety Class and ID Theft Protection events.
Our work together in Conshohocken has been recognized across Pennsylvania as I was honored to accept the 2022 Governor's Award for Excellence in Community Engaement and was named the 2023 - 2024 Pennsylvania Mayor of the Year, a first not just for a mayor in Conshohocken, but in all of Montgomery County!
I look forward to another four years of service to all of you, my neighbors. These past few years have been a tremendous honor and a lot of fun. I hope to see all of you in the neighborhood!